Lakshmi Consort of Vishnu

Lakshmi, one of the forms of the Mother Goddess, is the goddess of fortune and wealth and the consort of Vishnu. She is commonly called "Shri" a title given to many gods and saints but especially to Lakshmi. She is associated with the festival of Divali as the bringer of blessings for the new year.
As goddess of good fortune she is depicted with four arms. Two of her hands hold lotus flowers and a third pours out wealth in the form of gold coins. Her fourth hand is held out in the gesture of blessing. But she is also the goddess of beauty and as such is shown as a young and beautiful goddess decorated with jewels and with only two arms.
She is often depicted seated on a lotus being showered by two elephants who are pouring pots of water over her head. The lotus is a symbol of fertility and purity as it grows with both power and beauty form the mud. In India with its lack of a constant dependable supply of water, water is a symbol of plenty. Lakshmi's vehicle is a white owl.