Durga Consort of Shiva

The name 'Durga' means 'Inaccessible' and this may reflect something of the mystery at the heart of this deity. Though loving and kind to those who worship her, as the consort (wife/partner) of Shiva in her warrior form, she symbolizes the violent and destructive qualities of the Mother Goddess (Shakti). These qualities are explained by a story from the Hindu tradition according to which she was born fully grown from flames which issued from the mouths of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other lesser deities who created her for the purpose of destroying the buffalo demon, symbol of death.
The weapons which she holds which may include Shiva's trident, Vishnu's discus, a bow and arrow, a sword and shield, and a javelin are for the destruction of evil and the protection of good.
The eight arms with which she is at times shown have been interpreted as representing health, education, wealth, organization, unity, fame, courage and truth. Other images show Durga with ten arms. Her vehicle is a lion or tiger which further emphasizes her violent and aggressive qualities.